Friday, January 2, 2015

Petitions and More, Jan. 2 German press: Europe is preparing a law that will prohibit the movement on European soil of animal rights activists and that in order to prevent the development of a European international animal rights advocate! Protest please, needs 1000.000 signatures! Scroll down to choose your language! (If it says that you signed already: please, go back and try again, the same for those below!) Angela Merkel: Abolition of killing camp for dogs in the Balkans and elsewhere!
China, apply the 1993 Law and close the Tiger Farms! Needs more signatures
European Parliament: compliance with existing animal protection rights in Spain and its control!
France, Association Artemis, have a national database created to list animal torturers (and abusers)!
Unesco, Against the registration at the PCI of Hunting with Greyhounds in Spain!
France,  Prohibit hunting on public sites (at least) during the weekend!
France, NO to the establishment of an industrial pig farm with 3000 pigs in the small village of Loueuse (60), near Gerberoy, amidst Picardy green! Spain, Valencia, against the terrible 'becerradas' of Algemesi, between 22 and Sept. 30, Taurine week, one of the most shameful acts of cruel animal torture in our country! Stop Killing Dogs in 'City Maravilla', La Paz, Bolivia! This Unit of the Municipal Government of La Paz captures and kills dogs every week, unable to control canine overpopulation this way! Russia, Administration Ulyanovsk region: find a humane way, also for our children, to deal with stray animals, have them sterilized! There are animal protection organizations, who are happy to work out a program! Russia, Moscow, Dep. DZhKHiB, Stop the lawlessness, stop killing Animals in Moscow, Repeal the Regulations on catching, transporting, sterilizing, 'maintenance', accounting and registration of stray animals! It has turned into a Destruction program! Russia, Prevent the construction of the South Kutuzov Avenue along the territory of the nature reserve "Valley Setun"! Taiwan Auth.,  see to it that this Hypo will be taken care of, or relocate it! (latest: the animal died...) Getty Images: please remove the picture "The Disgrace" from the offer. It glorifies violence against animals! Ensure Stafforshire police arrest those response for the death of a Staffordshire bull terrier
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