Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Petitions and More, May 5

http://www.nyclass.org/splash?splash=1 Horses, NY, petition, donate for a sanctuary
http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/ Special alert to take part in, Wildlife Alternative Proposed to Costly and Destructive Government Plan!
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/stop-aux-massacres-animaux-bonne-sante/14267 France, stop the killing of healthy animals in Zoo’s and Parks! Confirm please
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/refusons-ouverture-extension-elevage-1600-primates/13210 No to the extension of anMonkey breeding center for Vivisection! If not signed yet
http://chn.ge/1OUvtzs Russia, Stop the activity of flayers LLC "Perspective-Auto" in the Irkutsk region, ‘catching’, rather brutally killing!, stray animals!
http://chn.ge/1bWYHvF Russia, stop the theft and killing of Dogs in the city of Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai!
http://chn.ge/1OUtjQr Russia, search and punish those responsible for the brutal murder of Dogs in Khabarovsk!
http://chn.ge/1I93whM Russia, Kazan, punish those responsible for the brutal murder of dog Maroussia!
http://chn.ge/1DPzwRV Russia, we really need a shelter for animals in Domodedovo!
https://www.change.org/p/ifaw-de-robbenjagd-e Stop Canada’s cruel Seal hunt!
https://www.change.org/p/prefeito-marcio-reinaldo-autoridades-do-munic%C3%ADpio-sete-lagoas-minas-gerais-precisamos-de-abrigos-castra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-espa%C3%A7o-para-um-canil-municipal Brasil, Mina Gerais, we need shelters, castrationprograms, space for a municipal kennel (and respectful treatment of animals)
https://www.change.org/p/ti%C3%A3o-viana-governador-do-estado-do-acre-tomem-uma-atitude-fervorosa-a-respeito-da-vida-dos-animais-de-rua  Brasil, State of Acre, show a caring attitude towards stray animals; implement free neutering, a veterinary hospital and a shelter for them to wait for a responsible adoption!
Brazil, Jo Soares, please stop humiliating the animals when mentioned in your program!
https://www.change.org/p/ibb-nin-sokak-hayvanlar%C4%B1m%C4%B1za-suluk-yapmas%C4%B1n%C4%B1-istiyoruz-kadir-topbas-istanbulbld  Turkey, Istanbul, we request automated feeding and drinking points for abandoned animals!
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/416/864/786/ Stop the Trade and Trafficking of Endangered Species Products in Washington!
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/501/207/188/ Overturn the Law regarding Horses not being allowed
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/138/849/558/ Montreal, save this parc for the animals
                    ======= News and more   =========
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/david-cameron/11454925/David-Cameron-People-should-have-the-freedom-to-hunt.html  Still going. Do you support a repeal of the Fox-hunting ban? Vote NO every day please (54.91 % now)
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/david-cameron-promises-bill-legalise-5520054  Should the hunting ban be scrapped? NO, please! 63%
http://www.rtl.de/cms/news/rtl-aktuell/sollten-jaeger-weiterhin-auf-streunende-haustiere-schiessen-duerfen-3b074-51ca-18-1902955.html  Poll, also still active, should hunters be allowed to hunt ‘stray pets’? No please! Now: 55,4 %

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