Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Petitions and More, March 15

https://secure3.convio.net/wcs/site/Advocacy;jsessionid=14395D2D04E154A5A08930532D5F680D.app315a?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=850 Combat Wildlife Trafficking & Support International Wildlife Conservation in FY17 Appropriations!
http://www.realtrophy.org/petition Once more. Call on the South African President Jacob Zuma and the South African Minister of Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa to ban Canned Lion Hunting!
http://www.awla.com.au/our-work/campaigns/join-our-petition/ Many more signatures needed. Establish an Independent Office of Animal Welfare!
http://www.sosvox.org/en/petitions.html  Ingresa, login first. Peticiones. Choose your language. After signing, go back to 'Petitions', scroll down for the other Petitions
http://animaldefender.org/506/ Ask China To Close Down Fur Farms And Choose A Cruelty Free Life!
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/vid-surveillance-obligatoire-abattoirs/18418 France. For compulsory CCTV in slaughterhouses! To confirm
http://chn.ge/1LmHSvk Russia. Bryansk region. We want to prevent the possibility of manipulation in the Surazh accident or other tragic events associated with stray animals. We want to stop propaganda justifying the killing of stray animals!
http://chn.ge/1QT37oU Russia. Tighten measures to prevent crimes against animals! Russia-stop being a concentration camp for the animals!
https://www.change.org/p/fermiamo-la-caccia-al-lupo-in-liguria Italy. Stop the hunting of wolves in Liguria!
Spain. Withdraw the sanctions of € 6000 each for the 35 activists peacefully protesting at the 'Bull embolado" in Olocau del Rey!
https://www.change.org/p/escrachando-a-un-colaborador-de-la-zoofilia-y-acosador-cibernetico Argentina. Alert. Pepe luis Vi-llo-or not only supports Zoophilia but also defames animal protectors, be aware!
https://www.change.org/p/ayuntamiento-de-benidorm-anulen-la-corrida-de-toros-de-ortega-cano-no-al-maltrato-animal Spain. Cancel the Bullfight of Benidorm of 25 March and seek another beneficial alternative; no to animal abuse!
Spain. City of Jerez de la Frontera. For a festival without blood! No bulls or bullfighting subsidies in Jerez!
https://www.change.org/p/gnt-rodrigo-hilbert-matou-um-filhote-de-ovelha-ao-vivo-tire-o-programa-dele-do-ar Brazil. GNT Chanel, Globosat. Remove Rodrigo Hilbert from the program "Family Tempero" because of animal cruelty!
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https://www.thedodo.com/ For the love of animals


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