Friday, March 3, 2017

Petitions and More, March 3 Condemn the dog and cat meat trade in China! Tweet sheets. After a tweet, right-click on the upper arrow to the left in your browser, choose the tweetsheet to continue (remember the tweet number) If the message ‘your tweet couldn’t be sent’ appears, please wait for a while  Stop transporting over one billion live animals in the EU for commercial reasons to third countries, stop the suffering! Action alert, End the coyote killing contests implemented by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (“DNR”) to “encourage the taking of coyotes from March to August” !  Copy/paste, send a message to:  Thailand should meet its CITES commitment and no longer permit commercial facilities or tourist attractions to breed tigers; against the opening of the Golden Tiger facility; tigers confiscated from the Tiger Temple deserve the new sanctuary proposed by Four Paws  Help Ensure Rejected Rabbit Farm Doesn't Go Ahead in Staffordshire In Albania, dozens of animals are kept under the worst conditions. End the agony of brown bears as soon as possible ZIP=5 digits. Help Domestic Violence Victims Get Their Pets to Safety  (POBoxes are okay) Once more. CRUK: please halt your animal experiments and fund exclusively humane research  Send an email or post a message Green sign for the destruction of the Amazon, press Total and BP to cancel their oil exploration plans in Foz do Amazonas!  Once more. Protect the Amazone Reef, help put an end to the dangerous plans of Total and BP to drill for oil off the coast of Brazil  Japan. Yamaguchi Prefecture Shunan. Please improve the subsidy system for castration and contraception of dogs and cats!
Against the facts of Wiri Wiri's episode 91, killing animals Justice for Gustavito the Hippo Brutally Attacked while he Slept Don't Let The Oil and Gas Industry Get Away With Polluting New Mexico
            =========   News and more   ========= S. Korea, blog, translated; a stray dog who came into his life


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